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Showing posts from 2018

Banana Monkey Jungle

Why functional over OO? Inheritance Banana Monkey Jungle The diamond relationship Fragile parent class Categorical (Taxonomy) v.  Containment (or Exclusive Ownership) Hierarchies Encapsulation Object passed by reference to an Object Constructor is not safe Deep cloning MC Hammer v.   Immutability Global Scope Polymorphism Design by Behavior not Data

Microservices Design Patterns

functional decomposition or domain-driven design well-defined interfaces  explicitly published interface  single responsibility principle potentially polyglot three-tier architecture — presentation, application, data vs. 4 tier -- client, delivery, aggregation, services
There’s a lot of talk about transformation and some metrics around what we are lacking and need to do better. Do we also know what we do well and the good things about our work processes and environment that we want to keep? I’m concerned that if we don’t diagram this as a spectrum we risk running over those good things that we do in the course of transforming. Running agile retrospectives at team levels could provide us with this feedback DAKI – drop, add, keep, improve | Fun Retrospectives 1.         2.         DAKI is a great data gathering to foster the thinking around practices and the value the team get from it. It helps team members to understand each other ... KALM – Keep, Add, More, Less | Fun Retrospectives 1.         2.         Activities and ideas for making  agile retrospectives  more engaging ... KALM ( Keep , Add, Mo
mole gopher #5 bug is in state closed looks like jdk 8 to the rescue Tsuna  you the man

homebrew, git

IN PROGRESS - Steps to contribute a cask to homebrew. Also a good way to stay in touch with git use if you don't have it at work. 1: Fork the repository in GitHub with the  Fork  button. create or login into your github account use the Fork button at A  fork  is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. Most commonly,  forks  are used to either propose changes to someone else's project or to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea. Now get a 'remote' local copy of the fork you must have git installed comes pre-installed on later osx versions can switch to most current with homebrew - $brew install git $ github_user= ' <my-github-username> ' $ cd " $( brew --repository ) "

VPN Journeyman

Get free static ip with dns servic e Consider free vpn - you need trust they are and will do the right thing with your data Use opera-developer as an interim and fallback measure For private browsing. Available in homebrew versions tap on a Mac! ` ` ` ` ` mac mini vpn server